ProductsProbesFixtureTest SystemAutomation |
AutomationStrong Experience Automation has been very successful in supplying mobile terminal manufacturers with leading-edge test technology. Our test automation equipment is used for testing over one-third of all mobile terminals manufactured in the world. To date, we have delivered more than 4300 test box platforms and 45000 product specific test adapters to the mobile terminal industry Automation test box platforms, adapters and test systems add value by delivering reliable test procedures that dramatically reduce end-product failures increasing at the same time the quality level Automation solution range includes low-cost, manually operated test box platforms to semi-automated or up to fully automated systems that provide comprehensive testing Automation ONE-STOP-SHOP can provide a wide range of different level of test solutions for different type of mobile devices as mobile phones, wireless mobile cards/modems, mobile accessories as headsets. With comprehensive product and service portfolio, Automation aims to improve the competitiveness of our customers' production in telecommunication, medical, consumer and automotive electronics industries. With Automation test and production solutions, and all related services, you, as our customer, will gain smooth and cost-effective transition from design to production, short time-to-volume and time-to-profit, easy assembly for mass production and high quality. Automation products are available in standard or customized configurations that can be combined into complete and customer specific turnkey solutions. To answer the market and manufacturing challenges you're facing , we also offer you design for manufacturing, test development, test integration, and equipment modification services. Product List